25 Photoshop Tutorials Featured Girl / Woman

It has been widely acknowledged that Photoshop is the most leading and fascinating photo editing software ,employed broadly for its use in web designing ,video creation, animation ,photo retouching and much more. Here comes another interesting feature of Adobe Photoshop tutorials exclusive for ladies. I was and I am sure that by now women are sufficiently intrigued to want to know more , so here we go-

Aging A Young Woman

Normally retouching focuses on reducing wrinkles and aging lines on a person’s facial features, but It would be so much fun If a young girl could realistically age herself using this special tutorial of Photoshop .


The Water Women

Water being the most crucial element to life on earth .Lets create water out of life .This amazing tutorial will help transform woman’s body artistically into water elemental.


Wonder Woman Pin Up Painting

Wonder woman is known to many, specially kids. she is a popular character in the comic book world ,an amazon princess known as “Diana”. We can now create a digital illustration of a voluptuous  wonder woman using this remarkable feature of photoshop.


“Girl On Fire” Beautiful fire Woman – Burning

Setting the girl on fire sounds cruel and gruesome in literal.Though It seems lot of  fun doing on Photoshop.Set  a woman into bursting flames using this wonderful fire effect Photoshop  tutorial.


Beautiful Lady With Flowing Light Effects

Lets go somewhere warm. Some place where beautiful  Women instinctively flock like the salmon of capistrano with flowing  lights all around. Here it is ,the right place for flowing effects of light. Create light effects and abstract shapes using wrap tool and other filters.


Add A Sparkle Trail To A  Girl Photo

Magical Sparkle trail have been around since the days of PeterPan and Tinker Bell .Sparkling trail is quite exciting to do.It is a Photo manipulation tutorial. we can use lighting effects along with simple brushes and colour  to make the photo of the young  woman sparkle.


Invisible woman

It seems magical and puts you in a dilemma that whether this is fantasy or technology. This special  tutorial shows how to make some one invisible using photoshop.


Flying Girl

People wish to fly like a bird, but wishes of such sort are never fulfilled.Photoshop can make this dream come true using this tutorial. A girl in Tempo can easily be transformed into a flying girl with this tutorial.


Create A Cybernetic Woman

This tutorial help us to do something really amazing.As we all know that science is growing by leaps and bounds. Robots are being designed and made.Lets then create a cybernetic woman using this unique features of photoshop.


Create A Forest Fairy

This tutorial shares an ebullient method of stylization helping create a forest fairy from a simple ordinary snap of a young girl using artistic photo processing.


Create An amazing Artificial Intelligence Robot

This tutorial  Shares some of the photo manipulation techniques to design a fictitious image manifesting a “Artificial Intelligence” concept.You can Give a try to  your stock imagery as well.

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Lady Fire Flaming –Photo Manipulation

This tutorial illustrates  a Woman burning in flames with the manipulation done to a photograph of a woman using simple brush tools and wrap commands.


Create A Molten Gold Woman

Create a molten gold effect using a simple photograph of a girl. This tutorial covers a technique that enhances the Photoshop effects.


Create An Alien-Looking Face

Convert a usual picture of someone into an alien-looking face. A simple woman photo can be transformed such way using this amazing tutorial.


Create A Fantasy Girl bird Illustration

It is so much entertaining to blend animals and humans together.The results are most often funny,hilarious ,cute and sweet.


Melting Girl

Melting of ice is seen, proved and known but Melting girl is quite amusing.This feature uses basic tools and filters ,blend modes and wraps.


Create A Textured Female Robot

Create a woman robotic character realistically using supportive vector shapes ,shades and textures, also  layer styling while keeping size to a minimum level and the performance effective.


Make A Girl From Smoke

This allows us to make a beauteous girl out of smoke. A fascinating tutorial that ends up with an eye grabbing results.


Interweaving Photo strips

We have heard of interweaving of materials like wool and jute but interweaving of photostrips! This is quite a cool concept. Must gove it a go.


 Give your Photo that Manga Effect

You might like giving yourself that arresting, wide eyed look puffed in the famous Japan based Manga Comics. If so, here you go!


 Change the Color of your Hair

Are you bored with your current hair colour and at the same time you are afraid of experimenting with your hair colour? This tutorial wil totall help you out. Go on and boast off your new look on


Zombify yourself

Spooookkkeeyy!!!  Like horror movies? Then you might also like to  be a bit creative with your own photos. Try zombifying yourself if the picturebelow is not too terrifying to send chills down your spine!


Create a beautiful mixed media illustration

You better try out his tutorial if you think you are creative and imaginative. Get inspiration and make your own illustrations!


Bring the evil out

With this tutorial you will be able to bring your darker side out. So get going, what are you waiting for!


Convert photo to Drawing

Sometimes, doing petite manipulations with your photos can bring forth great results. Try this tutorial to convert your pictures into Drawing.


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