Camping is about taking a break and enjoying the outdoors. Backcountry camping is a popular option for campers who want to experience the great outdoors without electricity. Although it might seem daunting at first, once you learn how to handle different situations and what to do, camping without electricity will be even more enjoyable.

These beginner tips will help you camp without electricity and be one with the natural world.
Make sure you are prepared
It is essential to be prepared for any trip. If you plan to camp traditional, this is even more important. Do your research on the campsite you are interested in visiting. Although you know that there is no electricity, do you know if there is water? Is there a place where you can get help in an emergency?
Ensure to pack enough to cover all your needs – everything you need for eating, sleeping, bathing, and entertainment. A checklist can be helpful and used to fill.
Plan Your Meals
You can plan to make sure you have everything you need. You will need to consider the power outage so you can cook over a campfire or an electric stove, depending on your preference. You should plan your meals per day and choose easy recipes to cook. Do most of the cooking at home, if possible. Make sure to pack your cooler well and make sure you only cook the most perishable items first.
You should have all the necessary tools to make a fire if you intend to cook over it.
Get drinking water
If there is no electricity in the backcountry, there will be no water supply. It is essential to verify that your chosen location has water. It’s OK to bathe and wash dishes in the water source, but not for drinking.
Make sure you have plenty of water to last the duration of your trip. You can bring water in large gallons or smaller bottles.
A source of light is essential
To move around the campsite at night, you will need to have a source light. Although you can light a campfire from your tent, it is impossible to move the fire around or place it inside your tent. Make sure you have a flashlight, a lantern, and extra batteries.
Keep warm
It doesn’t matter what season, you should be prepared for cold nights. A